From the earth to the soul.
Hey there. my name is Jessi.
Sometimes I laugh when people ask me why I started Ember & Sea because honestly it was an accident.
3 years ago around Christmas time I had decided to make my friends and family clean burning candles as gifts. Once Christmas time was over I had a ton of leftover wax and shared on my Facebook that I would be offering candles made from what I had left… next thing I knew so many people had ordered them that my house had turned into this bustling work station. I began to wonder about what else I could do. I felt inspired.
I have ALWAYS been an artist. Often times getting in trouble at school for doodling in my note books, writing poems, daydreaming… etc. But the only thing that ever seemed to really hold my attention was my art, my photography, my writing… my building with my hands. Constantly Creating with every medium available.
The more that I began to grow and develop Ember & Sea the more that I began to realize that it had a way of sparking and lighting up all of those parts of my brain. It made me really happy. It held my attention. I was constantly learning and creating.
At this time, I was also taking a course in Astrology.
I was learning about the Elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.
In this course I learnt about how each of us is composed of different amounts of these elements, and for me personally this happened to be a whole lot of fire and water.
I began a journey of learning what it meant to balance my own elements within myself. To balance my drive, stubbornness, restlessness, with my softness, sensitivity, & creativity.
Which is why I chose the name Ember & Sea = Fire & Water.
At the time that I was learning how to balance these elements within myself, I was also learning how to make fire and water products.
So yea,
Ember & Sea was an accident…
But somehow a perfectly orchestrated one.
Stay tuned my friends.
Lots of love,
- jessi. ☼